Crave by Tracy Wolff, published 2020

This is a blatant Twilight knockoff, and I have deeply mixed feelings about it. For starters, I didn’t like the writing style; I felt it didn’t match the main character's personality. Once I got past that, I was confronted with the first half of this book. The first half is completely different from the second half, in my opinion, so I’m going to tackle them one at a time. In the beginning half of this book, the main character was annoying, clueless, and to be quite frank, dumb. She was clearly missing obvious red flags that were waving around right beneath her nose, and it ticked me off that she was that deep in denial. I mean, c’mon, even the boys I go to school with aren’t that stupid. Anyway, moving on to the second half of this book. I gotta say, the second half blew my mind. It’s so dynamic, action packed, the perfect balance of everything. I could not put this book down once I read the second half. Balancing it out, the first half got one star and the secon...